Sunday, February 1, 2015

Second Month, Second Chance

"If our feelings control our actions,
it is because we have abdicated our responsibility
and empowered them to do so."

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey

Thank God January is over.

Let's just say that I let my emotions get ahead of me one too many times in the past weeks. It wasn't fun. In fact, it made me miss out on a lot of fun.

I chose to see half - empty glasses, to assume the worst, and to allow irrational thoughts to paralyze me. I allowed doubt to creep in and taint all the pretty pictures in my head - and sometimes, I actually believed that those tainted pictures were the real ones.

Despite all the good things that came with the new month and new year, I'm not particularly proud of myself and the way I handled things.

I could have done better.
I could have been better.

And last month was good - but, it could have been better too.

My fault.

So, no.
No more.

It's a new month and I will make better choices.
And, no.

I will not see half - empty glasses.
I will not assume the worst.
I will not entertain irrational thoughts.
I will not doubt.

Not this month.

Not ever again.

(no promises)

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