Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

(I'm sorry I forgot where I got this photo but, it isn't mine.)

The message in the photo makes so much sense to me, especially now.

Some people make it seem like it's so simple to do what you want.
(And I really envy those people.)

In truth, it should be.

If you want that nice, new dress from Cotton On, go buy it.
If you're not happy with the plate you worked so hard on, start over.
If you want another slice of pizza then, ask for one!
If you've been wanting a Polaroid camera forever, then why didn't you just get one in the first place?!
If you've been dying to perform because it's been way too long, then what's stopping you??
If you're not happy in college, drop out!




People like me just make it really complicated.

It's never just me and what I want.
There are all these other factors to include in the equation.

Some of which are:
The effect my decision will have on my 25 year old self.
And also on my mommy self.
Whether or not I'll regret it an hour later.
Whether it's worth my hard - earned saved money.
Or my parents' money.
My own capabilities - or the lack of them.
What God would think.
What my family (and my very large extended family) would think.

And a lot of other things that I should totally delete from my mind but, can't.

But, going back to the photo above.
(Yes, please scroll up and read it again.)

What if you told yourself you'd finish the book?
What if it's a hassle to leave that restaurant?
What if you're too comfortable on the path you're on to get off it?

What, then?

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Why do I make everything so hard for myself...

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...even if I'm fully aware that this too shall pass,
that God's got an awesome plan for me,
that things will eventually work out,
that not once did worrying ever help,
that all these things will be pretty small in hindsight
and all the other true cliches in life may apply too.

(And here comes what I both hate and love about blogs: the ending's gotta be positive!)

So, there.
I've released the negativity in my mind and now there's nothing left for me to do but, well, chill.

I shall chill now.

Goodbye! :)

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