Monday, April 6, 2015

Must Get Back To Work

(Was supposed to post this last Saturday!)

Tali is really one of my favorite places in life. We come back every year during Holy Week and it's our second time for the Alegre family to join us. Imagine three days of swimming in the ocean, reading and writing and thinking by the shore, on banigs with good music, good company and an endless supply of coke and beer and Zesto... huhu life is good.

Now, how to let that all go...

See, that is not the life that I chose. I chose a wonderful life of drafting until the wee hours of the morning, struggling through countless blank pages, with a pen in hand, until you have even a fraction of an idea of a possible design, frustration to the max, and an ongoing battle with the natural tiredness of your own body. It's always you vs the sloth in you - and on most nights, the latter wins.

Like tonight.

I promise to at least make a to do list before I crash into this beatiful scene that has been tempting me for hours.

I promise to wake up tomorrow and work the whooole day to make up for my week long vacation.

I promise to... no. What's the point? :)) I totally enjoyed the past week. Felt more passion for architecture than I did in a while and I am so, so grateful for that. Ironically, this time away from school has caused me to feel more strongly about being architect in the future. When I'm on my own and away from the stress of school, it seems as though I'm free to love architecture more. Strange.

However, I guess that in order to do what I want to do, I kind of have to suck this up. I just have to reset the whole framework of this and pretend that nothing in my list of things to do is graded and they're all just random life tasks that I have to do to be the architect I want to be. Yes!

Maybe, that'll help. Maybe.
Okay, wait.
I can't.
I give up.

Tonight, the sloth wins.
Better luck tomorrow.

I miss Tali.

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