Thursday, May 8, 2014

When Bored, Make Art

There are times during my calculus class when the formulas and equations get all jumbled up in my head and the sound of my professor's voice seems to get softer and softer until it's totally drowned out by the summation of all my thoughts.

I, then, catch myself reaching into my bag and searching frantically for the one thing I know would help me escape the confusion - my sketchbook!

I tend to space out, in other words.
And then, I end up doodling.

Or calligraphy-ing. Or something. Haha, anyway.

Before I know it, the class is over. :)

Based on experience, I've come to believe that doodling speeds up time. Therefore, I highly recommend it be done in class.

[ when bored ]
[ make art ]

Have a nice day!

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